Computer known as machine that can be operate by human or other creature like "Alien"(It's exist? Not sure)..But, how computer can be function?..Now, I will let you all know..Computer has 2 basic things where make computer can be function with good performance..
Firstly, called as hardware..Hardware is a thing that we can touch or see in a reality life or 4D..Hardware also can divided by 2 type likes, input and output. To know more, "Input" is a peripheral that you all can see right now on your laptop or PC devices like Mouse/touch pad, keyboard, webcam, joystick communication device such as microphone..It's also define as to process data to memory by user memory and respond..
Have 4 types of input, such as:
i. Data : Facts like numbers, words, image, sound,
ii. Program : Commands that ask the computer to do a certain operation
needed to process the data,
iii Command : Keywords to inform the computer to do something,
iv.User Response : Data input by the user as a response to a question or
As you can see, "Output" is a something that you get from what you want computer to do..In other word, data that has been processed into information needed by human or computer..example of output such as music from speaker device, paperwork from printer, monitor and so on..
Have 4 types of input, such as:
i. Data : Facts like numbers, words, image, sound,
ii. Program : Commands that ask the computer to do a certain operation
needed to process the data,
iii Command : Keywords to inform the computer to do something,
iv.User Response : Data input by the user as a response to a question or
As you can see, "Output" is a something that you get from what you want computer to do..In other word, data that has been processed into information needed by human or computer..example of output such as music from speaker device, paperwork from printer, monitor and so on..
Secondly, software can be define as a program where it's can't be touch in reality and only can be see in 2D(means in monitor)..Software included operating system, device driver, server for connection to Internet and software suites like Microsoft office..Software very important to make your computer can be function to helps user to manage their task..Software also acts as a host for applications that are run on the machine..As a host, one of the purposes of an software is to handle the details of the operation of the hardware..
That's it...See you in more mysterious of technology...
That's it...See you in more mysterious of technology...
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