Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Stands for "Uniform Resource Locator." A URL is the address of a specific Web site or file on the Internet. It cannot have spaces or certain other characters and uses forward slashes to denote different directories. Some examples of URLs are,, and As you can see, not all URLs begin with "http". The first part of a URL indicates what kind of resource it is addressing. Here is a list of the different resource prefixes:
  • http - a hypertext directory or document (such as a Web page)
  • ftp - a directory of files or an actual file available to download
  • gopher - a gopher document or menu
  • telnet - a Unix-based computer system that you can log into
  • news - a newsgroup
  • WAIS - a database or document on a Wide Area Information Search database
  • file - a file located on your hard drive or some other local drive
The second part of a URL (after the "://") contains the address of the computer being located as well as the path to the file. For example, in "," "" is the address or domain name of the host computer and "/Content/Reports/index.html" is the path to the file. When a address ends with a slash and not something like ".html" or ".php," the Web server typically defaults to a file in the current directory named "index.html," "index.htm," or "index.php." So, if you type in "" and "," you should get the same page. Go ahead and try it if you have nothing better to do.

About computer??


Computer instruction or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software. The storage devices  and display devices are hardware.
The terms software and hardware are used as both nouns and adjectives. For example, you can say: "The problem lies in the software," meaning that there is a problem with the program or data, not with the computer itself. You can also say: "It's a software problem."
The distinction between software and hardware is sometimes confusing because they are so integrally linked. Clearly, when you purchase a program, you are buying software. But to buy the software, you need to buy the disk (hardware) on which the software is recorded.
Software is often divided into two categories:
·         System software : Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function.
·         Application software : Includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheet, and database management system fall under the category of applications software.

          Refers to objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips. In contrast, software is untouchable. Software exists as ideas, concepts, and symbols, but it has no substance.
Books provide a useful analogy. The pages and the ink are the hardware, while the words, sentences, paragraphs, and the overall meaning are the software. A computer without software is like a book full of blank pages, you need software to make the computer useful just as you need words to make a book meaningful.

What you should know about Basic Stuff of Computer?

Computer known as machine that can be operate by human or other creature like "Alien"(It's exist? Not sure)..But, how computer can be function?..Now, I will let you all know..Computer has 2 basic things where make computer can be function with good performance..
Firstly, called as hardware..Hardware is a thing that we can touch or see in a reality life or 4D..Hardware also can divided  by 2 type likes, input and output. To know more, "Input" is a peripheral that you all can see right now on your laptop or PC devices like Mouse/touch pad, keyboard, webcam, joystick communication device such as microphone..It's also define as to process data to memory by user memory and respond..

Have 4 types of input, such as:

i.  Data                : Facts like numbers, words, image, sound,
ii. Program           : Commands that ask the computer to do a certain operation
                             needed to process the data,
iii Command        : Keywords to inform the computer to do something,
iv.User Response : Data input by the user as a response to a question or

As you can see, "Output" is a something that you get from what you want computer to do..In other word, data that has been processed into information needed by human or computer..example of output such as music from speaker device, paperwork from printer, monitor and so on..
Secondly, software can be define as a program where it's can't be touch in reality and only can be see in 2D(means in monitor)..Software included operating system, device driver, server for connection to Internet and software suites like Microsoft office..Software very important to make your computer can be function to helps user to manage their task..Software also acts as a host for applications that are run on the machine..As a host, one of the purposes of an software is to handle the details of the operation of the hardware..

That's it...See you in more mysterious of technology...    

Telecommunications network

telecommunications network is a collection of terminalslinks and nodes which connect together to enable telecommunication between users of the terminals. Networks may use circuit switching or message switching. Each terminal in the network must have a unique address so messages or connections can be routed to the correct recipients. The collection of addresses in the network is called the address space.
Example of how nodes may be interconnected with links to form a telecommunications network

Open system (computing)

Open systems are computer systems that provide some combination of interoperabilityportability, andopen software standards. (It can also mean specific installations that are configured to allow unrestricted access by people and/or other computers; this article does not discuss that meaning.)

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Jika aku nakal tapi jangan kata aku bodoh dan hina mungkin juga aku genius?

Aku dapat idea ini bila aku tonton filem hindustan " 3 idiot" pelakon utamanya adalah Ameer khan sebagai seorang saintis dalam bidang fizik dan graduan kejuruteraan dan heroinnya ialah Kareena Kapoor graduan dalam bidang  perubatan. Saya tonton filem ini beberapa kali dan memahaminya bukan sebab filem jiwangnya tapi sebab jalan ceritanya dalam membuat satu reformasi dan revolusi sewaktu dia belajar di kolej dan membantu kawan2nya yang miskin.  Aku masih ingat skrip yang menarik hati ku untuk aku persoalkan sbb aku adalah seorang yg suka berfikir tentang sesuatu perkara dan tidak suka menerima secara membabi buta termasuk dalam aspek ilmu walaupun dari seorang guru itulah prinsipku.  Skrip itu berbunyi " aku hebat dan pandai dalam bidang kejuruteraan walaupun aku nampak nakal sebab aku minat dalam bidang kejuruteraan bukan sebab dipaksa oleh  sesiapa berbanding pelajar yang lain ada yang dipaksa". Dari sini aku faham bahawa jika kita ingin berjaya kita perlu menceburi bidang yang kita minat sebagai kerjaya kita bukan disebabkan saja-saja nak ambil ijazah ataupun dipaksa oleh ibu bapa biarlah kita sendiri yang minat barulah hasilnya luar biasa.  Dalam filem ini juga ada kontradiknya antara pensyarah ameer khan dan dia sendiri dia nampak nakal tapi seorang yang genius berbanding pensyarahnya yang selalu menekan pelajar supaya belajar bersungguh-sungguh sampai wujud suasan pembelajaran yg stress dan ada pelajar yang membunuh diri dan kehadiran Ameer khan mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang seronok yang lebih praktikal walaupun dia dibenci oleh pensyarah tapi dia akhirnya di hormati oleh pensyarah dan juga kawan2nya dan diakui geniusnya.  Kesimpulanyya, kehebatan seseorang bukan hanya terletak pada pencapaian peperiksaanya bukan hanya pada pendidikannya tapi juga kemahirannya dalam membuat sesuatu reka cipta dan kreatif dan mampu membuat satu revolusi dan reformasi bukan terletak pada pendidikan ataupun anugerah yang banyak tetapi ia mampu dilakukan oleh seseorang yang" biasa-biasa tapi mempunyai pemikiran yang luar biasa".

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan bijak atau pandai atau genius??

Sepanjang masa kita diberitahu oleh ibu bapa, guru, pensyarah bahawa mesti lulus cemerlang dalam peperiksaan jangan ada yang gagal. Seolah-olah ilmu itu hanya kita dapat bila kita lulus peperiksaan sahaja. Kita hanya ada masa depan bila kita masuk universiti lulus cemerlang dalam semua peperiksaan.  Namun aku sentiasa bertanya dalam diriku cukupkah ilmu yang aku dapat jika hanya belajar dan lulus cemerlang dalam peperiksaan tanpa melibatkan diri dalam dunia praktikal ataupun kemahiran.  Ternyata aku mendapat jawapan dan persepsi aku berubah bila aku menonton filem "three idiot" dan aku banyak mengkaji sejarah orang2 yg genius dan hebat bermula dengan Bill gates yg tidak berpelajaran tinggi namun mampu mencipta Microsoft dan Tempat ke-2 Billionaire di dunia yang mempunyai Aset 58 Billion, selepas itu aku kaji sejarah Steve Jobs malah aku tersentuh bila membaca kisah hidupnya yg penuh dengan sejarah hitam dia seolah-olah sampah masyarakat, dibuang dari Kolej dan mengikuti kuliah hanya secara curi-curi, dan kerjanya hanya kutip botol dan tin minuman utk sara hidupnya sampailah dia habis mengikuti kuliah secara tidak formal.  Selepas itu, aku kaji sejarah hidup Albert Einstein merupakan seorang pakar dan terkenal dalam bidang kimia Astronomi dan fizik, sesiapa yang pernah ambil subjek kimia nama Albert Einstein bukan seorang yang asing penemuan yang popular ialah Teori ledakan besar ataupun" Big bang Theory" dan disokong oleh ramai saintis islam termasuk Al-farabi. Albert Einstein seorang yg pendiam dan hanya belajar hingga peringkat Diploma sahaja dan dibuang daripada kolej kerana dikatakan gila tapi selepas itu beliau seorang ahli saintis yang hebat.
Ramai lagi orang genius seperti Thomas edison yang dibuang dari sekolah tapi berjaya mencipta Mentol untuk menjadi sumber cahaya.  Apa yg ingin saya aplikasikan ialah sebagai seorang graduan universiti jangan hanya berbangga apabila mendapat segulung ijazah dan mendapat pekerjaan sudah memadai dan berpuas hati dan memandang rendah kepada mereka yg memiliki kemahiran tetapi tidak memiliki segulung ijazah.  Justeru itu, org yg bijak atau pandai atau genius bukan hanya seorang yang memiliki peringkat pendidikan yang tinggi tapi orang yang bijak dan genius juga adalah orang yang pada mulanya gagal dalam peperiksaan tetapi mampu mengubah hidupnya dan mempunyai kemahiran yang tinggi dalam bidang tertentu dan mampu mencipta sesuatu seperti dalam filem Hindustan "3 idiot".

Biografi dan kehebatan Adi putra( budak genius Malaysia)

Adi Putra, genius matematik

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Mesti ramai yang mengenali Adi Putra, ( kecualilah kalau anda tak baca suratkhabar atau tengok berita ye) seorang insan yang mempunyai bakat dalam Matematik. Baru sebentar tadi saya melayan siri AC? Sempoi. Bukan nak tengok siri tu sangat tapi cuma nak tengok kemampuan Adi Putra. Dari segi kepakaran matematik tak perlu dipertikaikan kerana memang beliau genius tapi saya tertarik dengan sajak yang di deklemasikan ( betul tak ejaan??) . Tak pasti samada sajak tu ditulis oleh beliau atau tidak tapi memang tersirat… Semangat tu..

Layan sajak Adi Putra ‘ Akulah Adiputra’
Peringatan :-
Video ini dapat dilihat sekiranya anda boleh akses youtube. Sekiranya anda melayari blog ini di pejabat, kemungkinan akses kepada youtube di block oleh pihak pentadbir anda. Pergila ke cyber cafe untuk menontonnya.
Ini sajaknya :-
Akulah Adi Putra
Melayu tdk penah lupa
duduk tahun satu rasanya tersiksa
tiada siapa peduli
tetapi aku bisa bedakan
ilmu Allah bagi dan ilmu diajar guru bermula dengan
‘A’, ‘B’, C ,’one’, ‘two’, ‘three’, ‘alif’, ‘ba’, ‘ta’
di mana trillion di manakah billion,
di mana tafsir Al Quran
di mana doa2 para nabi para wali
untuk apa aku disini
aku berfikir rasional aku berfikir international
pandai aku bijak aku comel aku hanya untuk ditonton diuji dan dipuji
aku malu alangkah ruginya mereka
untuk apa semua ini
di mana mata hati mereka
pujian biar bertempat
marah bila bersopan
kurang ajar biarlah berbudi bahasa
tersirat mereka tak nampak
tersurat sahaja mereka lihat
di mana silapnya
Rasulullah memimpin ummah
hebatnya baginda
pimpinlah aku
doakanlah aku
aku punya cita-cita
aku punya idola
barangkali aku kecil mereka
hanya ketawa
Allah maha perkasa
tahfiz Al Quran itu hebat
Hafaz Yaasin itu penerang hati
matematik itu tunjang ilmu
ayuh bangsaku bangunlah
kita bertemankan islam
kita penuhkan ilmu didada
kita jadikan melayu paling hebat di persada dunia
bersamaku adi putra
akulah modal insan
anak melayu jati
wawasan 2020
takkan melayu hilang di dunia
pantang melayu menderhaka pada sultannya
pemuda harapan bangsa
pemudi tiang negara
mengapa bersembunyi diri di balik ibu pertiwi
sejengkalpun tanahairku dijajah
biar putih tulang jangan putih mata

Sejarah Dr. Irfan Khairi ( Jutawan Muda Internet Malaysia)

Sedikit kisah mengenai Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd…
Tahukah anda Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd bermula tanpa menggunakan wang saya sendiri?
Mungkin anda pernah dengar istilah ni “nak buat duit, kena ada duit”
Sebenarnya, ada caranya untuk buat duit- tanpa duit.
Tahun 2005, ketika saya pulang ke Malaysia (dari UK), saya menulis buku Rahsia Jutawan-Jutawan Internet Terbongkar. Tidak menggunakan modal sendiri, saya mendapatkan TrueWealth Publishing untuk menerbitkan buku tersebut. Saya masih lagi ingat, cek royalti pertama saya terima berjumlah RM36,000 (selepas 6 bulan).
Walaupun, saya sendiri sudah mempunyai wang, tetapi, saya sering berpegang kepada konsep “bootstrap” yang bermaksud, mulakan perniagaan dengan modal sendiri yang kecil, dan kembangkan perniagaan dengan keuntungan perniagaan.
Ketika itu juga, saya mula dijemput sebagai guest speaker. tahun 2005, jemputan saya, mana ada sampai 1 jam… 2 jam bercakap. Sekadar cakap 20 minit-30 minit sahaja untuk berkongsi pengalaman. Pengalaman pertama adalah di seminar Azizi Ali (berkongsi pengalaman selama 20 minit)- for free lagi tu, sebab orang tidak mengenali saya!
Dari situ, saya mula mendapat perhatian berbagai pihak. Daripada berucap selama 20 minit, sesi seminar Azizi yang datang, saya dijemput untuk mengendalikan satu segmen selama 2 jam! (mula dibayar)
Di situlah mula saya bina keyakinan untuk memulakan seminar saya sendiri yang sehingga kini dikenali sebagai“Workshop Jutawan Internet”. Sekali lagi, tidak menggunakan sebarang modal pada ketika itu, membuka tempahan kepada orang ramai, dan menggunakan wang tempahan untuk booking hotel. Peralatan seperti microphone, projector dan sebagainya juga sewa hotel sahaja… tak beli pun masa tu.
Keuntungan daripada mengendalikan seminar, dan juga royalti buku, barulah saya mewujudkan Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd pada tahun 2006- mempunyai pejabat, peralatan semniar sendiri dan juga beberapa pekerja. Pada awal penglibatan saya pada tahun 2005, saya hanya menggunakan syarikat perseorangan, ketika itu dikenali sebagai “Abadi Consulting” sempena nama anak! :) dan dikendalikan 100% oleh saya dan isteri sahaja.
So, Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd yang anda lihat berkembang hari ini sehingga melakukan produksi adalah hasil daripada idea dan ilmu sahaja. Idea & ilmu saya menulis buku pertama 3 tahun lepas.
Walaupun saya mempunyai wang untuk menubuhkan syarikat pada tahun 2005- terus menyewa pejabat dan terus mendapatkan pekerja, tetapi, itu bukan jalan yang saya pilih. Saya memilih memulakan perniagaan dengan tidak melaburkan sebarang wang sendiri dan bootstrap.
Tip hari ini…
Sedikit sebanyak, daripada perkongsian ini, saya harap anda dapat fikirkan bagaimana anda boleh memulakan perniagaan tanpa modal. Buang jauh-jauh istilah yang anda pernah dengar “Untuk buat duit, kena ada duit!”… atau “Untuk mulakan perniagaan, kena ada modal!”. Dengan kreativiti, ilmu, usaha besertakan doa, anda boleh memulakan perniagaan tanpa menggunakan wang.
Setelah 3 tahun, Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd telah mengeluarkan berbagai produk di, masih mengendalikan Workshop Jutawan Internet yang laris sehingga ke Singapura dan Brunei, serta,Workshop Mini terbaru: “Terhangat di Pasaran!”

Biography Steve jobs (CEO Apple computers)

Early Life

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, to Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah "John" Jandali, two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave their unnamed son up for adoption. His father, Abdulfattah Jandali, was a Syrian political science professor and his mother, Joanne Simpson, worked as a speech therapist. Shortly after Steve was placed for adoption, his biological parents married and had another child, Mona Simpson. It was not until Jobs was 27 that he was able to uncover information on his biological parents.
As an infant, Steven was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant and Paul was a Coast Guard veteran and machinist. The family lived in Mountain View within California's Silicon Valley. As a boy, Jobs and his father would work on electronics in the family garage. Paul would show his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics, a hobby which instilled confidence, tenacity, and mechanical prowess in young Jobs.
While Jobs has always been an intelligent and innovative thinker, his youth was riddled with frustrations over formal schooling. In elementary school he was a prankster whose fourth grade teacher needed to bribe him to study. Jobs tested so well, however, that administrators wanted to skip him ahead to high school—a proposal his parents declined.
After he did enroll in high school, Jobs spent his free time at Hewlett-Packard. It was there that he befriended computer club guru Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was a brilliant computer engineer, and the two developed great respect for one another.

Apple Computers

After high school, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Lacking direction, he dropped out of college after six months and spent the next 18 months dropping in on creative classes. Jobs later recounted how one course in calligraphy developed his love of typography.
In 1974, Jobs took a position as a video game designer with Atari. Several months later he left Atari to find spiritual enlightenment in India, traveling the continent and experimenting with psychedelic drugs. In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computers. The duo started in the Jobs family garage, and funded their entrepreneurial venture after Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his beloved scientific calculator.
Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing the technology and making the machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to everyday consumers. The two conceived a series of user-friendly personal computers that they initially marketed for $666.66 each. Their first model, the Apple I, earned them $774,000. Three years after the release of their second model, the Apple II, sales increased 700 percent to $139 million dollars. In 1980, Apple Computer became a publically traded company with a market value of $1.2 billion on the very first day of trading. Jobs looked to marketing expert John Scully of Pepsi-Cola to help fill the role of Apple's President.

Departure from Apple

However, the next several products from Apple suffered significant design flaws resulting in recalls and consumer disappointment. IBM suddenly surpassed Apple sales, and Apple had to compete with an IBM/PC dominated business world. In 1984 Apple released the Macintosh, marketing the computer as a piece of a counter culture lifestyle: romantic, youthful, creative. But despite positive sales and performance superior to IBM's PCs, the Macintosh was still not IBM compatible. Scully believed Jobs was hurting Apple, and executives began to phase him out.
In 1985, Jobs resigned as Apple's CEO to begin a new hardware and software company called NeXT, Inc. The following year Jobs purchased an animation company from George Lucas, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. Believing in Pixar's potential, Jobs initially invested $50 million of his own money into the company. Pixar Studios went on to produce wildly popular animation films such as Toy StoryFinding Nemo and The Incredibles. Pixar's films have netted $4 billion. The studio merged with Walt Disney in 2006, making Steve Jobs Disney's largest shareholder.

Reinventing Apple

Despite Pixar's success, NeXT, Inc. floundered in its attempts to sell its specialized operating system to mainstream America. Apple eventually bought the company in 1997 for $429 million. That same year, Jobs returned to his post as Apple's CEO.
Much like Steve Jobs instigated Apple's success in the 1970s, he is credited with revitalizing the company in the 1990s. With a new management team, altered stock options, and a self-imposed annual salary of $1 a year, Jobs put Apple back on track. His ingenious products such as the iMac, effective branding campaigns, and stylish designs caught the attention of consumers once again.

Pancreatic Cancer

In 2003, Jobs discovered he had a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare but operable form of pancreatic cancer. Instead of immediately opting for surgery, Jobs chose to alter his pescovegetarian diet while weighing Eastern treatment options. For nine months Jobs postponed surgery, making Apple's board of directors nervous. Executives feared that shareholders would pull their stocks if word got out that their CEO was ill. But in the end, Job's confidentiality took precedence over shareholder disclosure. In 2004, he had a successful surgery to remove the pancreatic tumor. True to form, in subsequent years Jobs disclosed little about his health.

Recent Innovations

Apple introduced such revolutionary products as the Macbook Air, iPod, and iPhone, all of which have dictated the evolution of modern technology. Almost immediately after Apple releases a new product, competitors scramble to produce comparable technologies. In 2007, Apple's quarterly reports were the company's most impressive statistics to date. Stocks were worth a record-breaking $199.99 a share, and the company boasted a staggering $1.58 billion dollar profit, an $18 billion dollar surplus in the bank, and zero debt.
In 2008, iTunes became the second biggest music retailer in America-second only to Wal-Mart. Half of Apple's current revenue comes from iTunes and iPod sales, with 200 million iPods sold and six billion songs downloaded. For these reasons, Apple has been rated No. 1 in America's Most Admired Companies, and No. 1 amongst Fortune 500 companies for returns to shareholders.

Personal Life

Early in 2009, reports circulated about Jobs' weight loss, some predicting his health issues had returned, which included a liver transplant. Jobs had responded to these concerns by stating he was dealing with a hormone imbalance. After nearly a year out of the spotlight, Steve Jobs delivered a keynote address at an invite-only Apple event September 9, 2009.
In respect to his personal life, Steve Jobs remained a private man who rarely discloses information about his family. What is known is Jobs fathered a daughter with girlfriend Chrisann Brennan when he was 23. Jobs denied paternity of his daughter Lisa in court documents, claiming he was sterile. Jobs did not initiate a relationship with his daughter until she was 7 but, when she was a teenager, she came to live with her father.
In the early 1990s, Jobs met Laurene Powell at Stanford business school, where Powell was an MBA student. They married on March 18, 1991, and lived together in Palo Alto, California, with their three children.

Final Years

On October 5, 2011, Apple Inc. announced that co-founder Steve Jobs had died. He was 56 years old at the time of his dead.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Biograpy bill gates

business leaders and entrepreneurs Biography - Information

Bill Gates is one of the most influential people in the world. He is cofounder of one of the most recognized brands in the computer industry with nearly every desk top computer using at least one software program from Microsoft. According to the Forbes magazine, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and has held the number one position for many years.

Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington USA. His father, William H. Gates II was a Seattle attorney and his mother, Mary Maxwell Gates was a school teacher and chairperson of the United Way charity. Gates and his two sisters had a comfortable upbringing, with Gates being able to attend the exclusive secondary "Lakeside School".

Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he spent time with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC, that was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available). He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world; Microsoft Corporation.

Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation
"To enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential." Microsoft Mission Statement
After dropping out of Harvard Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen set about revolutionizing the computer industry. Gates believed there should be a computer on every office desk and in every home.

In 1975 the company Micro-soft was formed, which was an abbreviation of microcomputer software. It soon became simply "Microsoft"® and went on to completely change the way people use computers.

Microsoft helped to make the computer easier to use with its developed and purchased software, and made it a commercial success. The success of Microsoft began with the MS-DOS computer operating system that Gates licensed to IBM. Gates also set about protecting the royalties that he could acquire from computer software by aggressively fighting against all forms of software piracy, effectively creating the retail software market that now exists today. This move was quite controversial at the time as it was the freedom of sharing that produced much innovation and advances in the newly forming software industry. But it was this stand against software piracy, that was to be central in the great commercial success that Microsoft went on to achieve.

Bill Gates retired as Microsoft CEO in 2008.

Bill Gates Criticism
With his great success in the computer software industry also came many criticisms. With his ambitious and aggressive business philosophy, Gates or his Microsoft lawyers have been in and out of courtrooms fighting legal battles almost since Microsoft began.

The Microsoft monopoly sets about completely dominating every market it enters through either acquisition, aggressive business tactics or a combination of them. Many of the largest technology companies have fought legally against the actions of Microsoft, including Apple Computer, Netscape, Opera, WordPerfect, and sun Microsystems.

Bill Gates Net Worth 
With an estimated wealth of $53 billion in 2006, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he should be starting to get used to the number spot as he has been there from the mid-ninties up until now. The famous investor Warren Buffett is gaining on Gates though with an estimated $46 billion in 2006.

Microsoft hasn't just made Bill Gates very wealthy though. According to the Forbes business magazine in 2004 Paul Allen, Microsoft cofounder was the 5th richest man in the world with an estimated $21 billion. While Bill Gates' long time friend and Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer was the 19th richest man in the world at $12.4 billion.

See more information the Bill Gates Net Worth page.

Bill Gates Philanthropy
Being the richest man in the world has also enabled Gates to create one of the world's largest charitable foundations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has an endowment of more than $28 billion, with donations totaling more than $1 billion every year. The foundation was formed in 2000 after merging the "Gates Learning Foundation" and "William H. Gates Foundation". Their aim is to "bring innovations in health and learning to the global community".

Bill Gates continues to play a very active role in the workings of the Microsoft Company, but has handed the position of CEO over to Steve Ballmer. Gates now holds the positions of "Chairman" and "Chief Software Architect". He has started that he plans to take on fewer responsibilities at Microsoft and will eventually devote all his time to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2006, the second richest man in the world, Warren Buffett pledged to give much of his vast fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Bill Gates Receives a KBE
In March 2005 William H. Gates received an "honorary" knighthood from the queen of England. 
Gates was bestowed with the KBE Order (Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his services in reducing poverty and improving health in the developing countries of the world.
After the privately held ceremony in Buckingham Palace with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Gates commented on the recognition..
"I am humbled and delighted. I am particularly pleased that this honor helps recognize the real heroes our foundation (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) supports to improve health in poor countries. Their incredible work is helping ensure that one day all people, no matter where they are born, will have the same opportunity for a healthy life, and I'm grateful to share this honor with them."

The KBE Order of the British Empire is the second highest Order given out, but it is only an honorary knighthood as only citizens that are British or a part of the Commonwealth receive the full Order. This means that Gates does not become Sir Bill Gates.

Bill Gates lives near Lake Washington with his wife Melinda French Gates and their three children. Interests of Gates include reading, golf and playing bridge.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Buat blog

Hari nie blajo buat blog 2k subjek stid dgn pensyarah miss syarifah ruby y comey blako...ha222